It’s Official: A Young Warrior NWTA Is Happening

 In Updates


Earlier this week the MKP-GW Center Director, Arnie, and Deputy Center Director, Steve, confirmed that the first ever Young Warrior NWTA Gateway would be hosted by the MKP-GW community on March 2-4, 2012 at Claymont Court, WV.  I wanted you to be the first to know that in March 2012 we will make history with the first YW NWTA.  The MKP-GW YW community will be joined by other young warriors communities from across the country, and maybe even the world.  We’ll also be joined by allies who are not Young Warriors but fully support this work.  So mark your calendars because we’ll need everyone to help pull this event off.
Thank you all for your support of the YW community.
Note that other logistics will follow.  We will follow all the normal procedures for applying to staff.
If you have friends who may be interested in enrolling as new men for the YW NWTA in March, they can register on-line at  Make sure they select the Greater Washington, DC community and the month of the training which is March.
If you know of middle aged men and elders in the MKP community that would like to support our training they can send an email to and someone will contact them.
Keep up to date with the Young Warriors at
Schuyler, Monk
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